Wednesday, January 9, 2019

You could be the next number one selling Artiste. Get the magical recording studio you can pocket. Record when inspired


Music, Sing, Concert, Singer

Have you ever felt that your musical talent is yet to be harnessed? Worse still, is the possibility that your innate musical genius might die with you a fear you bear within you for God knows how long? Let’s go a notch further if you will, do songs, tunes or beats come to you just like that and fizzle into thin air before you settle down to make something out of it? If you fit in this picture then how sad and misunderstood you must feel. However, the sad reality is that your worst fears might come true unless and until you decide to do something about it today, now, this year.

Someone somewhere is living in penury while bestselling number one songs are conceived and aborted every other day within his innards. Someone somewhere is ashamed of his/her God-given talent or afraid of starting and failing so those songs that can truly give joy, happiness and heal the world are confined to the shower or some closest where some selfish musical genius is hiding them. There are no palliatives here, my words are meant to embarrass and spur one to action today.

Okay let’s take it that you are working nine to five and don’t ever get the spare time, or you are afraid to take the plunge into the uncertain ocean of music and songwriters as the case may be, or maybe you are just too shy to showcase that talent that every cell in you attests that you have, what do you do? Pray to stumble into some clairvoyant music producer that will take you under his/her wing? Well, as desirable as that may be, the chances of that happening is as remote as discovering a diamond piece while taking a walk in your neighborhood on a Sunday evening.

The truth is very few musical talents get to meet the right agent or music producer ever and many musical geniuses might never get to meet them in their lifetime ever. But you can get a Music Memos. What the hell is that? I hear someone say? Well, it is an App that allows you to record those inspired beats or songs straight into that iPhone. Man, I tell you it’s too good to be true, Music Memos is your recording studio in the palm of your hands. This magical musical App comes with a backup band for you.

Great composers and Musicians long gone must be envious of our generation. Can you believe this App is tweaked and optimized to back your song up with the right drum, bass, and guitar at the tempo you are singing in? Is that great or what? Plus you can with simple taps make adjustments to the recording as many times as you desire and most importantly, send the recording straight to the world through YouTube, Sound Cloud or APPLE Music Connect...Even if the song is not done yet, I mean you might have the intro or the verse or just the beat; you can record those, arrange them and be able to access them whenever you are ready to take your music to birth.

There is, therefore, no excuse anymore if you are that person I am talking to right now with songs imprisoned in your belly for so long and your unhappy continence is yearning for the day you will finally get the courage to actually do the things you enjoy doing, not just playing along trying to be the ‘ideal’ someone that someone ignorantly wants you to be; this is your chance to get yourself a Music Memos App on your iPhone and be happy with yourself for once.

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Monday, January 7, 2019

Game Changer In The Forth - Coming Election In Your Area

If you are a  politician and you are reading this via your desktop, laptop or better still, your phone, then you are the type of Politician the world needs today; yes the world desperately needs tech-savvy leaders who believe in the immense potentials of ICT. The last thing any country needs is leaders who need to be convinced about the fact I just stated.

Secondly, it will be the dumbest move today for the average politician and by extension, the myriad of political parties the world is burdened with, to ignore the mass millions of young phone, laptop, and iPod, users that depend on these gadgets for entertainment, news and communication and this is not forgetting the more traditional desktop users too.

One, therefore, does not have to be a soothsayer to predict that the likely winner of the forthcoming election, is the candidate and by extension, the party that leverages on these inalienable facts to coast home with the price. This is no vote buying or selling proposition by any means. I am talking about a means to achieve a clear majority if not landslide win in the forthcoming elections.

Let’s not complicate matters; voters want to be happy again. The long faces in the streets, in market places, schools, offices, and hospitals is evidence pointing to this fact and the candidate and party that can convey that message promising to bring smiles to replace the long faces will as sure as the sun rises at dawn and set at dusk, win the votes of the people. The question is how can this be done quickly and with the least cost to the candidate and the party?

Well, technology has done it in America, the oldest democracy in the world why not elsewhere? This is introducing a tool that can be used on any website; be it a political campaign website or a party website to sell a candidate, enable new members to register and even interface with the candidate in real time, download short prepackaged videos and audio speeches of the candidate and so on, the possibilities are limitless.
And that is not the fun part of it, the real deal about this tool is the fact that the administrators of the website can see the impact of their online campaign in real time. The advantage, of course, is the ability to quickly appraise what tactic is making the most impact thus the advantage of course, of an informed line of action. Imagine being able to know how many people registered every day and how many people are on the site doing whatever you ask them to do in real time?
I see this tool as the game changer in the forthcoming elections in Nigeria and the stunning thing is relatively new parties that quickly embrace this technology will spring earth-shattering surprises to the older parties and political pundits who fail to realize the immense potential in this game-changing tool. I invite you to click the link below and find out for yourself.